We are known.
We are blessed.
We are free.
Freedom in Christ
Ultimately, this is what the 3 Freedoms endeavor stands upon. Jesus is everything. He is the glue holding all of us together. Furthermore, the ability to be with and teach our children through God's provision and grace is a reflection of God's goodness and it, like so many aspects of life, highlights why salvation through Jesus matters so much.
Freedom in Country
On top of our salvation through Jesus, we are so blessed to live in the United States of America. Reverence for our country is fading. Let us be the ones to preserve and encourage it, so that future generations can continue to honor the sacrifices so many have made in order for us to live this extraordinarily privileged life.
Freedom in Community
So many people in our world walk around lost. Afraid. Alone. While homeschool kids may receive much of their parents' attention, we cannot take this time and authority for granted. 3 Freedoms aims to build true community, where parents can share each others' progress and burdens and children can feel known and accepted as they navigate who they are in Christ and what their role is in this world.
Let's have an eternal perspective in this homeschooling journey. Let us seek Jesus, teach our children intentionally, explore this wild world with respect, and learn more about what it means to live as Americans while simultaneously connecting with our Biblical roots. And hey, let's do it together!