plane window overlooking sea of clouds

How 3 Freedoms Came to Be

God is so awesome. My name is Jesy Andreen and I'm glad you're here! To fill you in: I went to school to become a teacher and then changed my major to a political science degree. I had no intentions of homeschooling, that I was aware of. However, nine years ago, when my son was four years old, I started thinking about preschool and organically realized that I didn't want to create powerful, beautiful relationships with my kids, to in turn, send them to essentially be raised by others in a corporate setting. We only have so much time, and the time we are blessed with is meant for relationship.

God spoke to me through a curriculum catalogue and by his grace, we began homeschooling a few months later. I know that homeschooling is not feasible for everyone (and there is beauty in all kinds of education), but I am so thankful that God has provided and allowed our family to educate in this way. I would imagine you're here because you are homeschooling or interested in it, and I just want to celebrate with you in your decision to homeschool (or your curiosity at the prospect). I truly think it is one of the sweetest gifts.

As I began to dive into the homeschool realm, I figured out much of it on my own, but also began to get involved in local homeschool communities. We experimented with extracurricular schools (one day a week type thangs), local homeschool groups, and co-ops. I don't know if I am super sensitive to personality dynamics or if my life revolves a bit too much around my children, but I just couldn't help but think that, even in the midst of all of these fun and beautiful opportunities, kids (and parents) felt alone.

Homeschool groups tend to naturally be really life-giving, but I just felt God calling me to nurture small groups of families that could really dive into life together and celebrate each other's mountaintops and share in each other's valleys. I don't know if I have been successful in achieving that group reality, but it is my prayer that 3 Freedoms does do that - that children and parents can be known and accepted by each other, but especially encouraged to better understand how they are known and loved by their Maker.

This homeschool co-op curriculum was prayerfully designed to bring small groups of families together to celebrate the freedoms we are blessed to call our own: freedom in Yahweh, freedom in the United States, and freedom in connection.

I originally created two groups called “Adventure Club (1&2),” that were rooted in honoring our Father, exploring His creation, and building each other up while also recognizing the beauty of what it means to be American. Each group met bi-weekly and began with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA.

We would meet for an outdoor adventure and find ways to connect a nature/science lesson to the Bible and God’s goodness. We would occasionally have a book club or we would celebrate Thanksgiving in the outdoors with a pilgrim style feast of snacks. Crafts were often completed or taken home, and us mamas were usually snapping pictures of the wonder we got to witness (as many had babies strapped to their back while climbing up a mountain - ahem, skills).

As these groups grew and this introverted leader experienced some trial and error with what worked and didn’t work for each group, I began to want to go deeper. I didn’t want kids or families getting lost in the mix - feeling like it was just another activity to add to the weekly schedule. I wanted it to be real, genuine, and somewhere where families could share real life with each other.

A few people branched off from our groups and created their own groups following the same style of AC and I realized it was something that more families could and would want to partake in. After three years, instead of two outdoor excursions per month, Adventure Club morphed into one outdoor adventure per month and one special outing with a guest speaker. These guest speakers were carefully chosen and most of them shared in their love for Jesus.

They shared with us about their profession and how they could honor God with what they spent their time doing. This was sometimes a baton twirler, a bat enthusiast, or an artist. Possibilities were endless. Sometimes, we would also participate in a “field trip” (secular or Christ-based) and learn to navigate, make chocolate bars, etc. After some serious prayerful consideration, I decided to create a “curriculum,” so more families can start their own co-op groups with ease.

I decided to change the name of the co-op from Adventure Club to 3 Freedoms because freedom is the most beautiful concept and it is definitely a theme within the Christian and homeschool lifestyle. Freedom is what sets Christians apart from the world and ultimately, I think our world and country need liberty more than ever before. Freedom is very closely linked to God’s peace - when we have His perfect peace, we have freedom.

3 Freedoms exists purely to honor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. There will be some Hebrew/Biblical tradition thrown into the curriculum (what a wake up call that has been for our family), as well as inspiration and verses from the Bible. While I am not Jewish, I have found such richness in reconnecting with Jewish traditions.

I encourage you to research everything I present to you and seek God’s wisdom in each outing, as I am just a person that is prone to be faulty and human. I will make mistakes as I go on this journey with you, but He won't. Lean on God and He will lead you to how you should approach each get together! When we seek Him, we find Him. And in these groups, He really shows us beautiful things through our children and connection.

After God, the second element of 3 Freedoms is the Freedom in our country. I received my bachelor’s degree in political science and became very involved in local politics some years ago. This brought on a passion to teach kids about why our country is special. Our young generations should know what sets America apart and what a gift we have been given. We all need to better understand the components of how our country was founded and how it now operates.

What a blessing it is to watch our children's generation learn to have reverence for what the United States is made of. So many core values and foundational American concepts have been lost, manipulated, or misrepresented to our culture (i.e. our Constitution and how the justice system is supposed to function).

America may not return to what it once was, but I believe it is our duty to continue to do all we can to fight for the blessings we have been given and to honor all that have served and continue to serve this nation. Any "political" inclusions in this curriculum will be based on fact alone and not be associated with modern-day political affiliations or opinion (except that we should be very thankful to God for America and our service members).

Lastly, 3 Freedoms focuses on Freedom in community. Not only should our children know their inherent worth and value, but homeschool parents also need reminders that they are seen and appreciated. Some of us are easily burnt out with the constant responsibilities and pressures of trying to be good stewards of our offspring. These groups are rooted in LOVE, compassion, empathy, humility, and the okay-ness with raw humanity.

Modeled after what the church is meant to be, this group is a place to be loved as we are (and convicted Biblically to gently hold each other accountable) and designed to live out what Jesus commands us to do. Prayer is a pillar of 3 Freedoms and is always encouraged to be the core element.

You can customize this curriculum to your group and to your unique gifts. As far as building community goes, ask God what he wants you to do to breathe life into others. I would encourage the leader of each 3 Freedoms group to mail out birthday cards (or "just because" cards) to members of the group (we have always mailed out $5 gift cards for local cafes and coffee shops along with birthday cards to speak love into each community member). It is one small way to bless those that you are creating a “safe haven” of community with. While I personally decided to approach these groups in particular ways, you can of course mold the group’s guidelines to what you feel God calling you to do.

If you want to have each family make an annual contribution to the group to help with costs, that is great. If you want families to take turns leading each meet-up, awesome! I suggest rounding up a group of no more than ten families to start this journey with. Whether you have a group of families in mind, or want to throw the opportunity out on social media or through an email list or at church, God will surely assemble the right group for this endeavor.

I have laid out monthly “lesson plans” for your first year of 3 Freedoms, geared toward each month and season, going into more depth as time goes on. Our groups were year-round at times and some years, we kept it solely during the school year. You can customize every bit of these ideas to what works for you. I am proud of you for not only homeschooling your kids, but also being willing to lead others into truth, beauty, and goodness. I don’t doubt that your choice will be honored. God is SO GOOD and every bit of this journey has been inspired by Him. I pray that it blesses you and brings Him glory.

Thank you for allowing me a space in your life. As Matthew from The Chosen says: "I have only one thing to do today. Follow Him."

Love you.

Join us!

Interested in leading a small group of homeschool families? We would love to be in your corner!