Frequently Asked Questions
What is 3 Freedoms?
3 Freedoms is a group of homeschool co-ops rooted in Christ, country, and community. Monthly co-op curriculum is created to help you lead a small group of homeschooling families to better connect and grow within those three freedoms. 3 Freedoms is designed to foster true community, while doing our best to honor Jesus Christ, and revive reverence for the gift we have been given in the United States.
How does this co-op work?
3 Freedoms offers an opportunity to be further equipped as a leader in your household or homeschool co-op. The creator of 3 Freedoms is human and may not always be wholly accurate or amazing, but God's grace is sure to fill in the gaps. Each monthly magazine will prayerfully bless you as you plan how to engage your family (and groups of families) each month.
Typically 3 Freedoms co-ops have one leader (or may consist of joint leadership with other parents) and will usually include 5-10 families. These groups are designed to meet bi-weekly, though you can customize your group in every way to your group's preferences. There is an emphasis on spending time in the outdoors together and each monthly magazine will include guidelines for two monthly meet-ups as well as crafts, recipes, and information about Biblical (and Jewish) customs as well as information about the United States (its history, historical figures, and ways to maintain our national freedom).
How much does it cost?
If you subscribe to our monthly newsletter, you will receive a free sample of our monthly magazine. If you would like to purchase a one-time print monthly magazine, each magazine is $10 + shipping. When you become a monthly subscriber (with a 6 month or 12 month subscription), you receive a 30% discount, making each magazine $7 + shipping. PDF's of the monthly magazine are $7.
3 Freedoms also offers homeschool planners. Currently, a 12 month July 2024 - June 2025 planner is available for print ($20 + shipping) or printable PDF for $8.
In November, you can pre-order our 18 month 2025-2026 homeschool planner, which will begin in January of 2025. 3 Freedom Co-Op Planners will also soon be available.
Do you offer homeschool coaching?
If you are still wrestling with the idea of homeschooling or need some help with your homeschool journey, I am always happy to speak with you! You can schedule a 15 minute call with me in the 3 Freedoms Store.
How can I contact you?
You can reach us at Also, find us on Facebook at:
What do you believe?
I grew up as a nondenominational Christian and currently attend Calvary Chapel. The best way to say what all of 3 Freedoms is rooted in is that:
-I believe the trinity is God (Father God, son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit the Helper).
-I believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that He is the only way to heaven.
-I believe we are naturally born sinners, but God's grace and mercy and sacrifice of His son, Jesus, has saved us from eternity in hell.
-I believe that the Bible is the one inerrant book in existence and that it is the source of all we need in life. True wisdom only comes from God and His Word. I believe that our lives should revolve around what the Bible instructs.
-I believe I am not perfect and you are not either, and Jesus Christ choosing to love us amidst our sin and habitual hiccups is the greatest gift possible.
-I believe that we must try to grow in our faith every day. Actions, not just words.
-I believe that the Bible is clear on the command to love everyone, but that that does not mean that we are called to accept sin. We were all created equal and we all have a need for a Savior.
-I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ died for all of us and that God is perfect and always good.
While I am not Jewish, I do believe celebrating and honoring Jewish customs and feasts is a beautiful way to worship God. I don't believe in man-made religious rules or condemnation, but I believe that you can customize Jewish traditions to your family and what God tells you to do.